Ana's thoughts // My school trip

November 19, 2017

Hello everyone~~

Today I want to tell you what happened and what we did on the school trip we had. We went to a different country and it was amazing. We saw a lot of new stuff and places! 

We went there by bus which was very comfortable (not like others, tho).The ride was about 2 hours long! 😫 It was tiring, but fun at the same time. Some of my friends told jokes in the bus and it was hilarious! We didn't stop laughing. 

When we finally came there every group went to explore something else. My friends and I want to the town square and the park. We saw a lot of interesting things and took quite a lot of pictures. We went over the bridge and saw a beautiful river. It was an enchanting view. 

And then, we decided to hit the shops! I bought some new t-shirts and cosmetics. My BFF and I decided to stay in the shops while others from the group went into the bowling room (I don't like bowling! 😐) Then we went to the restaurant for pizza and drinks. It was awesome and the pizza tasted great! We were filming live on Instagram and we spoke to others who didn't come with us. 

It was beautiful, but we had to get back home on time. Teachers gathered us all and we went back to the bus. It was amazing!

Have you travelled these days? If you do, make sure to tell me in the comments down below!


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