Ways to help our planet

September 02, 2020

Hello everyone!

I've been doing some research about this topic for a while. While I was scrolling through the Internet, I came across some interesting (and quite disturbing) facts about our planet. The things that are happening and the things that are about to happen if we continue like this. Also, I wanted to share with you my journey to reduce waste and help to plant trees. The funny thing is, it's not hard as I imagined it to be. So, today, I want to show you how little can help so much.

First of all, this post is not sponsored by Ecosia (and the photo above is not mine), all opinion given is my own. I will be talking about this website a lot. 
I am fascinated by this group of people who do everything they can to help others. Ecosia is a search engine which plants trees as you scroll through the web! For about every 45 searches, you raise enough money for them to plant one tree. This is such a beautiful way to help. The only thing you have to do is what you do every day, just with a different search engine. Ecosia is very easy to download, it only takes about a few clicks. I downloaded it like any other Google extension and started using it right away. I have been using this search engine for about 3 years. So far, I have raised enough money for them to plant 344 trees. The thing that bothered me a bit was that searches in languages other than English aren't really good. They are improving their engine every day, so I hope that one day I can search in my language and actually find the sites I was looking for. 
Also, everything is black and white when it comes to Ecosia. They are posting monthly financial reports and show us exactly where our money goes.
You can also check their Youtube channel > here < They are posting videos about their work and projects.

But, this site is not the only way you can help. Reducing waste is a great way to save our environment. However, this is a long journey. If you are consistent, you'll succeed.

1. Try to use less plastic bags

Plastic bags are everywhere these days. Every day, hundreds of plastic bags are sold in supermarkets, drugstores, and other shops. Most of the time, people don't really need a plastic bag for two chocolate bars or so. But, if you plan to shop a little bit, you should bring your own bag. Maybe somebody will follow your example. You will feel great knowing that you are doing something to help everyone.

- My experience:
I am to use fewer plastic bags when I shop. Sometimes, I even put things I bought to my backpack instead of a plastic bag. When it comes to fruit, I still have to use plastic bags, but that will also change soon.

2. Try to use less plastic in general

Plastic bottles, containers and other similar things are a problem, too. Not only to your health but to our planet as well. Using one plastic water bottle for a long period of time will cause many problems to the water inside. It is no longer healthy to drink, and the only thing you can do is spill it (and wasting water is also a bad idea). Drinking water from a glass bottle is much healthier and it won't harm nature (just don't throw it anywhere). Glass bottles can be used for a long period of time, and they are very good.

- My experience:
I stopped using plastic bottles altogether. I no longer carry a plastic bottle in my backpack or school bag. At home, I always drink from a glass cup or a glass bottle. I feel great knowing that the water I am drinking is clean and safe.

3. Recycle

You don't need to go to the recycling center every day. Simply put all the paper/plastic/other recyclable materials somewhere and when you have time or feel like going, take them all and recycle them.

- My experience:
I am trying my best not to use much of these things (I switched paper notes with digital notes, and I no longer write to-do lists on paper) because we don't have a good recycling center in my country.

4. Before Recycling Reuse 

An important thing to keep in mind is that recycling, even though it is really beneficial, should be your last option. Give your old clothes some adjustments so you can wear them again, or give them a new loving home by donating them. Don't just throw away the plastic containers you have in your kitchen, use them until they are no longer usable. 

- My experience:
When it comes to my clothing purchases, I have switched to only buying high-quality pieces that will last me a long time. I also started second-hand shopping and I have saved a lot of money that way. I reuse jars to make containers for other food in my kitchen. 

That would be it for today, guys. I hope you like this post and have learned something new from it. Be aware that our planet is in danger, that is the first step to become eco-friendly. One small act of kindness can do you much good. Be happy with your surroundings and try to spend as much time as you can in nature. Love you all, see you in the next post!

xoxo, Ana

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5 коментара

  1. Very nice and interesting post full of tips!
    i use Ecosia as well i think it's an amazing idea to be honest!!
    i have started following your blog here is mine in case you want to check it out ^^ or follow back (I'd really appreciate that <3)
    have a nice day!


  2. So good share. 4x4 lace
    Hope you can happy everyday.


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